Session 10BDriving Success by Thinking Beyond Functional Silos

Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013
1:20 p.m. - 2:20 p.m.

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Key Learning Objectives:
1) A new methodology in how to consider the donor life cycle
2) Measures of success to a holistic, donor-centric fundraising approach
3) Key methods of data analysis and modeling that support a holistic method

Expertise Level: Suitable for all levels
Shop Size: Suitable for any size shop
Subject Focus: Stewardship

Speaker Bio:
Matt McCabe
Matt is one of today’s leading nonprofit consultants, with experience spanning two decades helping charitable organizations around the world optimize their online marketing and fundraising, integrated marketing, business process and organizational strategy, direct mail, and media and print campaigns. Currently, Matt serves as senior vice president of consulting services, responsible for leading Pursuant consultants focused on developing integrated and comprehensive fundraising strategies for clients.

A recognized industry expert, Matt is a frequent speaker at nonprofit conferences and also writes for nonprofit trade publications and Web sites. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and Philosophy from Wheaton College.