PD Rewind: Individualized Stewardship Plans

Mary Weingartner
Managing Director, Donor Relations | UNICEF USA

Individualized Stewardship Plans in Principle and Practice was a virtual workshop focused on creating strategic individualized stewardship plans (ISPs) for donors and partners. Last month, six diverse facilitators brought experience from higher education, healthcare, community service, environmental, and humanitarian organizations to a three-hour professional development course consisting of a presentation, panel discussion, Q&A, and small group discussion. We shared best practices, ideas, ambitions, and challenges with 30 donor relations professionals from across the U.S. and Canada. Together, we explored the very real ways donor relations professionals can propel our relationships with individual donors, and we discussed how to establish ourselves as strategic partners.  


In the planning stage, the facilitators repeatedly returned to a few themes, and ultimately, we developed a workshop that emphasized the following:

  1. There is no “right” way to build an individualized stewardship program. Each organization is unique in size, donor base, staffing, and data quality, etc.
  2. There is no “right” way to build an individualized stewardship plan. Each organization, donor, and relationship is unique.
  3. Individualized stewardship plans should be rooted in data and strategy with the intention to help an organization reach specific goals.
  4. Donor relations professionals bring expertise, knowledge, and a valuable strategic perspective to individualized stewardship planning. We are not the “deli counter.” We are consultants, strategists, consensus-builders, subject-matter experts, and much more.
  5. Individualized stewardship planning programs are challenging to scale and sustain. They must be built cautiously and avoid putting donors in “permanent stewardship” with no strategic objective. 


The three-hour workshop truly flew by, and we packed in plenty. 

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Member Corner - A Global Milestone


As Conference Chair, and Co-Chair, it is our honor to serve ADRP’s international community of donor relations professionals and industry partners for a milestone ADRP International Conference, being held this September (Tuesday 16th – Friday 19th), in Montreal, Canada. A seminal conference, this year’s gathering will live up to its name. We are delighted to host you for what will be ADRP’s first-ever truly international conference.

Aptly themed “Passport to Partnerships,” the 2025 conference explores the power of partnerships and their profound impact on our sector’s success. Whether collaborating across internal teams, joining forces with industry leaders, working closely with vendors, or engaging donors and their advisors, strategic partnerships are a gateway to a world of new possibilities. Creating these connections can build organizational capacity, amplify impact, expand our reach through shared networks, and create meaningful communities. At #ADRPMontreal, you will explore how partnerships can drive innovation and excellence in donor relations—consider this your official passport to a journey of discovery.

We cannot wait to see how ADRP’s diverse, international community will contribute to these important conversations. We hope to see you there!

P.S. Want to stay up to date on exciting announcements and deadlines? Make sure to follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Dawn Green
, Conference Chair
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) Foundation, Toronto

Pandora Hess
, Conference Co-Chair
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston 

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In Service: The Column of the ADRP President - February 2025

Scott Eichinger 

2024-2025 ADRP President

I can't believe I am about to say this, but we are experiencing unprecedented times. Again! Just a few years ago, at this time of year, we were beginning to learn about COVID-19 and had so many questions. While we may feel bewildered by the news and unsure how it will impact our work, I imagine donors are also concerned. Will the organizations they support be able to carry out their mission? Will their beloved nonprofits experience backlash because their programs support marginalized communities?

As in other similar times, I keep thinking about a quote from Fred Rogers of TV's "Mister Rogers." "When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping."

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Member Corner - Meet the new Hub Associate Editor, Danielle Davis

The Hub’s editorial board has grown and we are now four people strong. Take a moment to meet Associate Editor, Danielle Davis. 
Danielle Davis
Principal Development Writer
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Background Info: 

Can you tell us about your career trajectory? How did you come into donor relations as a career? 
I’ve worked in the marketing-communication field for close to 18 years, and I’ve held a variety of positions within higher education, nonprofit organizations and magazine/trade publications. After moving to Colorado in 2015, my passion for mission-driven organizations led me to work at two wonderful nonprofits where I was introduced to the world of annual giving and direct mail. In 2021, I joined the Office of Advancement at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus as a senior development writer to support strategic fundraising and engagement initiatives. Today I lead the principal giving communication strategies for proposal and stewardship pieces. 

What influenced your interest in and passion for donor relations? 
I wanted to bridge my love of impactful storytelling with strategic fundraising and benefactor communication.  

What lessons, words of advice/inspiration would you like to pass on to other donor relations professionals? 
Shifting away from the ‘perfection’ mindset is a lifelong exercise in self-compassion, and it’s one that I’m still trying to live out in my day-to-day life. It’s okay to be vulnerable and to make mistakes because no one is perfect.  

Can you talk about a specific donor engagement or stewardship activity that makes you feel like you are providing the best experience for donors? 
Our storytelling initiative, notably through our annual publication, Momentum, is a great example of providing benefactor-centric communications. By focusing on how people, rather than dollars, are the driving force behind our work, we deepen our benefactors’ connection to CU Anschutz and keep them meaningfully engaged. 

Connection to ADRP: 
When did you become an ADRP member? 
January 2025

Why is ADRP membership important to you? 
The opportunity to network and learn from fellow donor relations professionals is the most impactful piece of an ADRP membership.

ADRP is universally recognized as the authority on donor engagement for the philanthropy profession. In your own words, how does ADRP serve you in the form of professional development? 
ADRP serves me by enhancing and expanding my knowledge of donor engagement through a vast network of peers in the field.

In Service: The Column of the ADRP President - January 2025

Scott Eichinger 

2024-2025 ADRP President


Happy New Year! Wrapped into the transition from the old to the new year is an abundance of hope, promise, and optimism. Regardless of the makeup of our hopes and dreams, no dreams come true without intention, without a plan, without action!
Last week, the ADRP Board of Directors met in person to officially kick off the development of ADRP's 2025-2030 strategic plan. It was an exciting few days! Planning for the next five years without a crystal ball can be daunting, but the energy of envisioning a future that advances donor relations in philanthropy is truly invigorating.
Building on the solid foundation of the 2020-2025 strategic plan, the board has more work ahead. We have refined our strategic focus areas (and I learned that the plural of focus is 'foci'!) and articulated our vision for each. Now, we need to clarify our objectives, and then we'll tackle the good stuff, adding the actions needed to achieve the plan. We're ready for the challenge!
I'm grateful for the board for their willingness to ask tough questions and challenge conventions, for our volunteers and members who provide key insights and feedback to ensure that our foci provide the best for ADRP, for the ADRP staff who support the board, volunteers, and members in all areas and for our incredible facilitator who kept us moving and kept us from going off-road to many times. 
I can’t wait for the board to share progress on the plan's development with you all in the coming months. 

In Service: The Column of the ADRP President - December 2024

Scott Eichinger 

2024-2025 ADRP President


Happy Holidays to all of you! 

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Member Corner - Brick and Mortar Anniversary: Kimberly R. Wheeler

Brick and Mortar Anniversary
Kimberly R. Wheeler
Director of Stewardship and Donor Relations
Institutional Advancement
Providence College

Anniversaries hold so much meaning. They signify the attainment of a milestone, serving as a time for reflection and connection. For those of us in the donor relations world, we understand the importance of acknowledging these significant moments.

Shortly after my arrival at Providence College (PC), the 10-year anniversary of our humanities building was approaching. We didn’t have previously established guidelines for celebrating and stewarding building anniversaries, so my new team and I seized this opportunity to make our mark and flex some creative muscles.

We tackled the project with intention: we wanted structure to inform our approach to anniversaries, striving for equity yet flexibility to tailor milestones to donors’ preferences. To establish the guidelines, we began by brainstorming ideas for internal and possibly external celebration, as well as stewardship touches that showcase impact and gratitude. Additionally, we researched PC’s prior building anniversary celebrations and stewardship to gauge expectations and equity, performed benchmarking against peer and local institutions, and spoke with donor relations experts for best practices. Going through this exercise served us well when presenting our final recommendations to senior management. 

So, how did we celebrate the 10-year building anniversary? We held an open house-style celebration during a high foot traffic time of day. The donor was invited but declined to attend. There was a cake-cutting, as well as other treats and mocktails during the celebration. Cards were placed on tables: a photo of the building on one side, a blank space on the other where we asked guests to reflect upon what this space means to them and/or to share messages of gratitude. A photographer was hired to capture the celebration and specific areas of the building, especially those spaces actively used by students.

After the event, we created a photo book that included a message from the president, many photos of significant moments and events held in the building over the decade, photos of distinctive features of the building, and images from the celebration. We scanned some of the notecards into the pages of the photo book, and for those less legible but great messages, we typed the quotes into the pages. Enclosed with the photo book was a Spreengs video card we custom-made with images of the building and college branding. The video featured the president, who introduced a faculty member. The faculty member was intentionally selected as he is an alum who has been working at the college for more than 10 years. The faculty member was filmed in the building, and he did a fantastic job articulating the building's impact from many perspectives. 

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Blair Scholars Then & Now: A Series - Sarwat Maqbool

Blair Scholars Then & Now: A Series
Sarwat Maqbool
Executive Officer
Australian National University ANU College of Law

In 2021, I found myself at a pivotal point in my career, navigating the complexities of a world recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. The tertiary education sector was facing a financial downturn, and professional development budgets were limited, making it a challenge for many industries. Amid this, donor relations practices were evolving rapidly, and I saw an opportunity to enhance my own career by gaining international exposure to donor relations professionals and their strategies. This led me to apply for the Sheryl A. Blair Scholarship, a platform that promised quality learning, a global network of professionals, and the chance to elevate my professional profile.

The journey began with the virtual 2021 ADRP annual conference. As someone based in Canberra, Australia, I attended the live sessions from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m., adjusting to the time zone challenges. Despite the late hours, I quickly found a strong sense of community with fellow conference attendees. We shared experiences, supported one another, and encouraged each other through the long sessions. Those connections became an important source of professional and personal support.

A particularly special opportunity during my time as a Blair Scholar was the chance to participate in the ADRP mentoring program. Through this, I formed a meaningful relationship with my mentor, a bond that extended far beyond the program's conclusion. The guidance and advice I received from my mentor were invaluable, and our connection continued to thrive long after our formal mentoring sessions ended.

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Volunteer Spotlight: Kati (Mann) Dombrosky, ADRP Founding Board Member

What were you doing when we founded ADRP? Where did you go from there? Where are you now? 
I was the first donor relations professional at Tufts University School of Medicine. I worked for a year at WGBH before moving to the Bay Area. I am now a development associate at Lifehouse Agency in Marin County, California.

What lessons, words of advice/inspiration would you like to pass on to other donor relations professionals?
If your organization doesn’t have a specific donor relations plan, introduce it to them! Create a plan, and make your mark!

ADRP Memory Lane:

Do you ever tell people about your early history with ADRP? If yes, what reaction do you get?
I do! People often think it’s really cool and it makes them more curious about fundraising.

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Volunteer Spotlight: Kathy Ruvolo, ADRP Founding Board Member

What were you doing when we founded ADRP? Where did you go from there? Where are you now? 

I launched an award-winning stewardship, donor relations, and special events department at University of California, Irvine (UCI). Because of my additional renown as a writer and speaker on development stewardship, I was recruited to offset the heavy east coast representation on ADRP’s founding board. I also recommended my colleague, Nancy McKinney from UC Berkeley. I was later promoted to Executive Director of Principal Gifts and eventually Executive Director and Secretary for the UCI Foundation Board of Trustees. I retired from UCI seven years ago and now volunteer at several Southern California  non-profits. 

What lessons, words of advice/inspiration would you like to pass on to other donor relations professionals?

  1. Join ADRP! I can’t say enough about the importance of networking and learning best practices from people who have been highly successful with their programs.
  2. Never say never! Though it sounds cliché, you wouldn't believe how many times I was told something couldn’t be done. I attribute my success to thinking outside the box and evolving with technology and other trends.
  3. Don’t overthink things. Forego a professional videographer and use your cell phone. Donors don’t care if it’s professionally done - they care how their funds are making a meaningful difference.
  4. If it's not meaningful, don’t do it. Focus your time and energy on the things that will have the most impact.
  5. MORE is not better. Keep thank you letters short, add a few personal sentences and let donors know you will follow up on the use of their funds. 
  6. FOLLOW-UP! Many times a donor’s first gift to an organization is a “test” to see how well you follow up.

ADRP Memory Lane

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In Service: The Column of the ADRP President - November 2024

Scott Eichinger 

2024-2025 ADRP President

Underneath the chaos of hosting or attending Thanksgiving or “Friendsgiving” celebrations, planning and preparing new and favorite dishes, and navigating complex interpersonal dynamics (you can bet someone will ignite a heated debate)—the true spirit of community, generosity, and gratitude shines through. 

This was a challenging year for me and for many people I know. Through all the roadblocks and speed bumps, I turned to my community for support. And I turned to ADRP the most. I am incredibly grateful for the relationships I have built as part of this community. I’m convinced I wouldn’t have such a supportive network if I hadn’t accepted an invitation to volunteer with ADRP a decade ago.

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Blair Scholars Then & Now: Cheryl Lintner

In 2013, I began my journey as the Manager of Donor Relations at a small hospital foundation in New Jersey, a drastic shift from my previous role at a large university. I found myself in a two-person department, trying to build a donor relations program from scratch with limited resources.

With no budget for conferences, I paid my ADRP dues out of pocket and attended a few webinars and regional events. Then the 2014 ADRP International Conference was announced in Seattle, the cost seemed insurmountable, but I was determined to go. That’s when I discovered the Blair Scholarship. The chance to attend the conference felt like a rare opportunity to learn and connect with others in the field, especially as I navigated the transition from higher education to healthcare fundraising. The scholarship made that possible, and I couldn’t have been more grateful.

The conference itself exceeded my expectations. I distinctly remember the session “How I Met Your Metrics,” led by Amanda Jarman and Roberta O'Hara, where I found myself starstruck by Roberta, one of ADRP’s founding board members. I had admired her work from afar, and it felt surreal to be in the same room with her. That moment sparked an enduring mentorship, and over the years, Roberta has become a colleague and guide.

Beyond the sessions, the conference offered something else that was equally unforgettable: my first sighting of Mount Rainier. Driving from the airport to the hotel, I was awestruck by the mountain's immense presence. It was a perfect reminder of how big the world of donor relations really is.

Looking back, it’s hard to believe that it’s been over a decade since I received the Blair Scholarship. Since then, my career has taken me through multiple healthcare system mergers, and I’ve helped transform a small donor relations program into a robust network across several hospitals and medical centers. I’ve had the privilege of leading teams, mentoring junior colleagues, and watching them fall in love with the field I’m so passionate about. It’s been an incredible journey, and I owe much of my growth to the access, connections, and opportunities that ADRP has provided.

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Member Spotlight: Scott Eichinger

Member Spotlight:  Scott Eichinger

Can you tell us about your career trajectory? How did you come into donor relations as a career?

Like many of our members, I stumbled into donor relations. At least that's how it feels. I may have been nudged into the field but didn't realize it until much later. My college advisor appointed me the theatre box office manager (my degree was in theatre management), and one of my tasks each year was to call all the donors to say thank you. I've been in donor relations since then.

What influenced your interest in and passion for donor relations?

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In Service: The Column of the ADRP President: Scott Eichinger 

Scott Eichinger 

2024-2025 ADRP President


Happy Spooky Season!

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Volunteer Spotlight: Kathy Billings

Kathy Billings

What were you doing when we founded ADRP? Where did you go from there? Where are you now?

In 2004 I was in my sixth year as the first Director of Donor Relations at Bowdoin College. I retired from Bowdoin in 2009, did some consulting and then devoted six years to caring for my parents at the end of their lives. In 2018, I published a short work of creative historical fiction called From a Distance. I am now in Scarborough, Maine, retired, in year three of a cancer journey – stable, enjoying beach walks with my dog and occasional visits from my two sons and grandchildren.

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In Service: The Column of the ADRP President - September 2024

Brie Aguila | ADRP 2023-2024 President 

Asst. Vice Chancellor for External Relations
Office of Advancement 
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus


Peace Out…

After returning from the 2024 International Conference, I am channeling my inner child…hence the “Peace Out” reference. As my term as president comes to a close, I’d like to reflect on the incredible journey we've shared over the past year. 

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Secure the Early Bird Rate for ADRP 2024

  Keynote   |   Schedule   |    Hotel   |   Cohort   |   Excursion

We hope this message finds you well. With the 2024 ADRP International Conference just around the corner on September 15 - 17, we wanted to extend a special invitation to join us in vibrant Indianapolis. It’s shaping up to be an extraordinary event celebrating ADRP's 20th Anniversary, and we don’t want you to miss out.

Early Bird Registration ends on July 29, so register now to get the best rate! Now is the perfect time to secure your spot. Imagine engaging discussions, innovative ideas, and the opportunity to connect with inspiring professionals from around the world. 

Thank you for enriching our profession through ADRP. We deeply appreciate your interest in expanding your knowledge, connecting with industry leaders, and contributing to the future of philanthropy alongside us. Your presence is invaluable to our community.
Please take this opportunity to secure your place today, and join us in Indianapolis this September. Together, we can continue to inspire positive change in our shared mission.

With Gratitude,

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Gear Up for the 2024 ADRP International Conference

Keynote   |   Schedule   |    Hotel

If you have already registered for the ADRP 2024 International Conference, congratulations – virtual high-fives all around!

We're thrilled to have you join us in vibrant Indianapolis this September for what promises to be an unforgettable conference experience. Your decision to be part of this momentous occasion means the world to us. Thank you for choosing to celebrate ADRP's 20th Anniversary with our global community, where we'll honor its profound impact on philanthropy.

With just two months to go, we couldn't wait to give you an exclusive sneak peek into what awaits. Imagine engaging discussions, innovative ideas, and the chance to connect with inspiring professionals from around the globe.

Get ready to pack your bags with curiosity and wonder – this conference is set to inspire and empower. We can't wait to welcome you!

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July 2024 - In Service: The Column of the ADRP President

Brie Aguila | ADRP President Asst. Vice Chancellor for External Relations
Office of Advancement 
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus



What a broken arm and donor relations have in common…

Sadly, my five-year-old daughter broke her arm about a month ago. I've found surprising parallels between this incident and life as a donor relations professional. First, they both bring something completely unexpected and unplanned. How many times do you get something completely unplanned dropped in your lap? It’s unlikely that a day goes by where that doesn’t happen, right?

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Volunteer Spotlight: Jaime Porter

Jaime Porter

Interim Vice President University Advancement Saint Xavier University

2004 – 2005 ADRP Founding Board Member


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