ADRP Leadership & Governance

The Association of Donor Relations Professionals leadership teams represent a diversity of geographic regions and organizations. Officers are nominated by the Board of Directors and are affirmed by a vote of the membership.

2023–2024 Board of Directors


Brie Aguila | President

Scott Eichinger | President-Elect

Katie Kutney | Secretary/Treasurer

Cheryl Lintner | Immediate Past-President


Jess Finley

Analisa Gama Aguilar

Marian Johnson

Mitra Keykhah

Sara Moïse

Guycaelle Vaval 

Ex Officios: Holden Scheidel, Mary Weingartner


Staff Leads

Louise S. Miller, MA, CAE, Executive Director
Adam Carranza, CMP, Assistant Director


Past Board Leadership

ADRP extends our thanks and appreciation to those who contributed their considerable time and talents to serve the organization. 

View our historical board roster


The ADRP Board of Directors has adopted four documents that direct its management of the Association’s business and the conduct of donor relations and stewardship professionals.

If members have any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected] or call us at 206-209-5298.