Session 7D - Designing a Digital Donor Wall on a Budget
Tuesday, October 1st, 2013 2:40 p.m. - 3:40 p.m.
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Description: Everyone is talking about digital donor recognition. Integrating technology into donor displays can be both engaging and cost effective. Join us to explore three perspectives on digital displays to learn what your options are in the digital scene, how to choose the display that is right for your budget, and how to effectively plan and execute the project.
Expertise Level: Suitable for all levels Shop Size: Suitable for any size shop Subject Focus: Acknowledgment
Speaker Bio: Rebecca Jamison Rebecca brings Honorcrafts’ 50 years of donor recognition experience to the discussion. Her experience combining artful donor walls with passive and interactive visual communications has made her a resource to stewardship professionals. As director of legacy curator, Rebecca has performed extensive donor recognition audits, providing complete digital records of institutional recognition to non-profits of all shapes and sizes. Rebecca has a BA in Marketing and Business Administration from Bentley University and holds a graduate certificate in Sustainable Development from UMASS Dartmouth.
Speaker Bio: Tiffany Chiang Tiffany Chiang continues to enjoy the rewards and challenges of working in the nonprofit sector. Over the last 19 years, she has taken on a variety of roles including youth program director, assistant dean of continuing education, grantwriter/fundraiser and consultant. She has a BA in English Literature from Northwestern University and a MS in Community Economic Development from Southern New Hampshire University. Currently, Ms. Chiang is the director of stewardship with NorthShore University HealthSystem (NorthShore) Foundation.
Speaker Bio: Ryan Cahoy Ryan has been involved with digital displays for over 15 years working with universities, healthcare providers, financial firms, and many other organizations to help define how to use display technology to visually communicate. Today, Ryan is focused on business development for Rise Display to help define hardware, software, and content packages for a variety of markets including donor recognition.