In Service: The Column of the ADRP President - March 2024

Brie Aguila | ADRP President Asst. Vice Chancellor for External Relations
Office of Advancement 
University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus




There is a lot to celebrate in March. The first day of spring, Pi Day, National Puppy Day AND Cuddly Kitten Day, International Day of Happiness, Daylight Savings…and of course Women’s History Month. March is always special to me as I have the opportunity to celebrate the women in my life and thank all the people who continue to lift me up. I am grateful for the strong and courageous women that have contributed to the success of ADRP and ensured our place as the authority in donor relations. There have been countless women through #ADRP20Years that poured passion into our association and our industry, and have played a huge role in elevating us to where we are today.

This month we welcomed proposals to present at this year’s International Conference in Indianapolis. I heard from many of you who submitted proposals and based on my preliminary glimpse, I’d say we are in for a lot of great sessions in September. I hope you plan to join ADRP 2024: To Be a Kid Again: 20 Years of Looking Up.

In April we will celebrate our volunteers. I would love to hear from you about some of the amazing ways you have recognized your volunteers. I will feature a few responses in next month's newsletter.

Here’s to springing forward.

Thank you,

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